Welcome to CompleteWebAccess Version 17.0 for Members and Dependents
What can I do with CompleteWebAccess™ Version 17.0 for for Members and Dependents?
  • Real-time access to eligibility and claim information at the click of a mouse.

  • View, Print and Save EOB's at your home or office.

  • View a copy of the summary plan document online.

  • Access individual and family balances for the current and previous years.

  • Make member enrollment changes using the enrollment section *.

  • Stop receiving paper EOB's. View and print them online instead!

  • Request replacement ID cards.

  • Print temporary ID cards for immediate use.

  • Find an in-network doctor or hospital in your area or else where.
    Get map and driving directions to provider address too!

  • New user? Click on the 'Create Account' link to begin.

  • New employee? Click here to begin the enrollment process.

* Enrollment changes made online will not become effective immediately.
  Online changes to enrollment record require approval by employer and/or administrator.

Invalid User ID.
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You have made several unsuccessful tries, so now we have to make sure you're not a robot.
You have been logged off for lack of activity. Please login again.
Invalid Information! Your session has expired.
Sorry, your account has been terminated. However, you seem to have a COBRA plan in effect. Please use the new COBRA information to create a new web account.
Sorry, your account has been terminated.
Sorry, your insured guardian has been terminated.
Your access has been denied. Please contact us by phone.
Your account has been deactivated. Please contact TPA administrator.
Important! Note down this lock out tag: . Call your plan administrator and reference this lock out tag. The administrator will need this information to restore your access to the system.
You have one more try before you lose access to this portal.
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